Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Book Tour 2011--Next Steps

ADVISORY: If you’re seeing the blogs about my book tour for the first time, your reading may be enhanced by starting at the beginning. To do so, click on Older Posts at the bottom of the page and go to December 9, 2011, "Book Tour 2011"
I have now been home 26 days from my 26-day book tour. Re-entry should certainly be over—and pretty much is. Energy level back to normal. House back in order and housekeeping routines resumed. Thank you notes mailed. Finances tabulated. Ms Malibu cleaned, inside and out.

Top priority for next steps is finding a job with a regular paycheck. The process has begun. Ideal would be part-time, flexible hours, few responsibilities, high pay. I’m joking, obviously. But seriously, I do hope to piece things together in such a way that I can have time and creative energy to keep writing. Wish me luck—and be in touch if you have any suggestions, contacts, or relevant information. The areas that interest me are clerical, tutoring, and writing. I have an interview this week and have submitted one other application. I need to get busy; mortgage payments wait for no man!

“What will you write next?” is the most common question I am asked these days. The short answer is a straight novel, not tied to the Revised Common Lectionary. (While grounding the Sunday by Sunday trilogy in the RCL was the right and proper framework and worked well if not easily, I eagerly anticipate being free from that regimen.) The longer answer is that I plan to wait a year before beginning another book, noting ideas and possible characters and plot lines, and allowing all that to simmer and ferment and sort itself out a bit. One tiny little thought needling me is that the story will be set in the mid- to late- 1800s. But don’t hold me to that… Between now and then, I may resurrect some short stories and query/submit them vigorously. Also, I will keep blogging and writing for my congregational newsletter and, if opportunity develops, write some magazine articles.

Sunday by Sunday is most certainly not relegated to the past, though. I will continue to promote and market, seeking invitations to speak and present programs, which is where I sell most of my books. I’ll continue sending complimentary copies, hoping for positive reviews and recommendations. And I’ll try to enlist my fan base—I have one of those now! a couple hundred devoted readers—to make the word-of-mouth impact significant. In fact, my next message to my email subscribers will focus on how they can help, such ways as: #3) get my books placed in local libraries and independent bookstores; #2) invite me and encourage others to invite me to speak—and I need to create a smart and glossy flyer to help in that regard; and, #1 – talk the books up with friends and strangers who might be interested.

Indeed, there are plenty of next steps to take. Get officially available on Amazon. Check out christianbooks.com as a possible outlet. Approach Martin Doblmeier about making his first fiction movie out of Sunday by Sunday. Hey, doesn’t hurt to ask. Anyone have his contact info? I’ll find it. Who do you think should play Rose? Oh, and yes, I will now copyright books II and III through the Library of Congress. Been meaning to do that…

I have other dreams, as well, about future writing endeavors. If you’d like to keep up with them, please email me at cfossum@sundaybysunday.com and tell me to add you to my subscriber email list for periodic updates.

As I finally end this record of Book Tour 2011 (in 2012--it's time to end!), I say once again, from the bottom of my heart and soul, thank you, thank you, thank you all.

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