Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Savoring marketing and promoting

Self-promotion and marketing is the bane of many writers’ existences, but I’ve decided I like that aspect. Being somewhat of an extrovert helps, and I really do feel for those who just want to write and are stretched uncomfortably by tooting their own horns, public speaking, technology, and all the rest. Here are my top 5 thoughts (or “brain droppings,” as George Carlin would say) about marketing and promotion at this point in time:

# 1 – Acceptance. Most of us authors have to market, particularly those of us who are self-published. Happily, I’ve moved beyond lamenting and railing against this situation in the constantly evolving world of books and publishing. “You get what you get, and don’t pitch a fit,” to quote the line my little grandson heard everyday in daycare until he accepted that he might get a blue one when he really wanted red.

# 2 – Humility. Simply declaring myself a writer was a journey, and I well remember feeling that promoting my work was arrogant and involved too much vulnerability. I have grown in that regard by praying for “true humility, the humility of Jesus and Mary.” In this understanding, my purpose is to be God’s child, using the gifts I have been given with neither timidity nor conceit.

# 3 – Challenge. Technology skills—lack thereof—is the single biggest hurdle for me in promoting and marketing. I have been able to pay professionals on occasion but have mostly had to learn, learn, learn. The learning is usually fun and satisfying with “how-to” resources readily available. Hard to believe how far I’ve come technologically—and hard to imagine how far I have to go!

# 4 – Persistence. I love the balance I’ve reached of not giving up on my writing enterprises but not fretting over how they are developing.  I keep plugging joyfully on, in the midst of being overwhelmed by technology, fits of low self esteem, and low-to-no book sales. Generally, I am peaceful even on those days when I just can’t do it, for whatever reason. Probably tomorrow things will happen.

# 5 – Rewards. And things do happen, big things like speaking engagements, little things like selling a book out of my trunk to somebody next to me in line in a store. Every time I venture, something is gained.

And here is a new venture, through which you could gain. Now that I’ve finally learned to process comments (not difficult, just a readiness thing), I want to encourage comments and dialogue on my blog. To that end, I will be giving away a boxed gift set of the Sunday by Sunday series. Each time you enter a comment between now and June 30, your name will be entered into a drawing for the gift set. And on we go…


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