Friday, June 8, 2012

I started my new book this week

No drum roll, please. On a minimal, modest level, I eased in to working on my next book this week. The target schedule is 6-7 am Mon-Thurs mornings and then four to six hours on Fri and Sat with Sun off. I started with sketches of the three main characters. Just like the ankle bone being connected to the leg bone, all elements of the story affect each other. Even though results so far are less than a typewritten page, focusing on the characters has implications for the setting and has also helped develop the plot. One big development dictates major research; I will be contacting the local VFW to try and connect with a Vietnam vet in that regard.

How pleased and grateful I am to be doing this. I’ve said that about 100 times because of the truth of it.Still profoundly true.

Any comments? Are you, perhaps, involved in a writing project? I know those of you are pastors are:  weekly sermons. I know my sister who works with crisis care and my daughter who works in research development are:  reports. Some of you may journal. Composing an email—or even a handwritten letter or card, if you remember those—is the craft of writing.

If you enter a comment about the writing process as you observe it or do it, love it or hate it—or comment on anything, even, “Good luck on the book, Cristy!”—you are eligible to enter a drawing and possibly win a lovely deluxe gift boxed set of my Sunday by Sunday series.

One person reported that she had complications trying to comment, and her comment didn’t, in fact, come through. Please email me if you’ve had that problem. I’ll be checking this out with my IT guy.

And now, on to my writing enterprises. I've already, on this Friday morning, hung out a load of wash and fixed myself fabulous whole wheat and oatmeal pancakes, and it's only, er-ah, 12:30. Oh, well. Y'all enjoy your Friday and take care.

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